A Letter From Our Founder

I was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to a Congolese mom and Rwandese Dad. Due to the Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, my family did a short stint in a refugee camp in Benin, West Africa before we received asylum as refugees in Syracuse, NY in 2000.

"Driving me to embrace, celebrate, and cherish my identity as an African born American instead of sacrificing it."
Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1994
As an African born American I came to understand that no matter how high I climb the ladder my existence in professional spaces will always be a form of resistance. As a medical student I found it hard to show up as myself to clinic simply due to the lack of representation for students of color. I often questioned if my professional attire, hair, or any jewelry I sported was appropriate for the medical spaces I worked so hard to be in. These mental gymnastics I performed to assimilate became paralyzing- affecting my learning and ability to provide patient care. The silver lining is that it motivated me to create RUTA WEAR. Driving me to embrace, celebrate, and cherish my identity as an African born American instead of sacrificing it.

RUTA WEAR is inspired by my identity as a physician and former refugee from the Congo and Rwanda. It shares the story of perseverance, optimism, and diversity wrapped under the vibrant influence of African textiles. This innovative take on medical wear is a collection of my lived experiences from the plains of Lubumbashi, hills of Rwanda, to the halls of an American hospital. It was born from the need to diversify and challenge our perception of professional wear. I hope our products not only bring you comfort and increased functionality but also a touch of inspiration each day. Thank you for choosing us for your medical wear needs. We’re honored to be a part of your journey and ecstatic to have you sport RUTA.

Dr. Pierrot Rutagarama
RUTA WEAR Founder and Creative Director